Team building rocket science. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … Lift off! The moon is the ultimate travel destination
Blog – March 2020 Effective team building is not rocket science, but it does require careful planning and execution to be successful.
Team building rocket science. 50 Years after the Apollo 11 mission, it is time for a new moon landing. In the new team building activity To the Moon and Back you will work in teams of NASA astronauts to build a rocket, launch an astronaut and get it back to Earth in one piece.
Work together and operate at the highest level to achieve the impossible: You will design your own rocket, operate it and the astronaut will shoot it into space and land the rocket back on earth safely. A great example of science, and actually team building rocket science!
During the introduction teams of 6-8 people are made. Within each team you find 3 important departments;
- Engineering & Mechanics: these are structural and analytical technicians who take care of the construction of the rocket and the rocket science
- Aeronautics & Navigation: the people with adaptability, creativity and patience who can bring the activities of other departments together
- Life Support Systems & Astronaut Safety: these people are responsible for the astronaut’s capsule and safety
The teams will learn all about the fascinating Space Race of the 1960’s through videos and presentation. The knowledge you gain during the introduction helps to build the rocket.
Team building rocket science
NOW it is time for action! Each team will start building a rocket. Where NASA has been building a launch vehicle for more than 12 years, your teams will do this in an hour. In order to build the rocket, confidential information is required and, of course, various innovative materials are indispensable. The eggstronaut (because it is a raw egg) must also be attached to the rocket in its capsule. As a team, everything that is involved in launching the rocket is considered. How much fuel does it take to launch an egg and get it back on Earth? And what does it take for the eggstronaut to survive this launch? Good team building between the different departments within each team is necessary.
When the time of building and preparation is over, the activity ends with the climax; launching the eggstronauts. This part of “To the Moon and Back” takes place outside. The Control Center takes the rockets and astronauts to the launch pad. Then it’s time for the test. Which team succeeds in safely returning it’s eggstronaut to Earth? Which raw egg will survive the launch?
And the winner is …
The team that wins the Team building rocket science Challenge is the group of space experts who earned the most points for:
- Structural integrity – The rocket operates smoothly and is free from defects.
- Scientific imagination & artistic form – The creative looks of the rocket.
- Flying height – The rocket must be (at least) 15 meters high.
- Astronaut Survival – The ultimate goal is to bring the eggstronaut back to Earth in one piece.
It’s all about teamwork
Because of the different departments in each team the focus will be on collaboration, everyone can show their best side. For every team member there is a task in which he or she can shine at. So you all go home feeling satisfied, even if the astronaut doesn’t survive. In addition, this activity is full of competitive challenge; you compete against other teams. An additional ingredient is added at launch; a big dose of hilarity. To the Moon and Back is an activity you will not forget soon!
Would you like to fill an entire day with inspiring, sporty or fun activities? Combine To the Moon and Back for example lasertag, bubble football or another super fun team building experience.
To The Moon and Back is a rocket scienc team building activity that takes place partly indoors and partly outdoors and can be done at the locations of UP Events, but also at any other location in the Netherlands.